Over two-thirds of elderly people in India say they are neglected by their family members while one third of the elderly claimed to have suffered physical or verbal abuse, with those in urban areas bearing the brunt more than in the rural areas
எங்கள் முதியோர் இல்லத்தில் 80க்கும் மேற்பட்ட முதியோர்களை பராமரிக்கிறோம், அவரிகளின் ஒருவேளை உணவுக்கு , தங்களால் இயன்ற உதவிகளை அளிக்கும்படி மீக பணிவுடன் கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறோம் , உங்கள் நன்கொடையை எங்கள் வங்கி கணக்கு அல்லது காசோலையாக அனுப்பவும்.
Angel Devaki Prabhakarn Foundation (ADPF) is entering the fourth year service in this year. Due its dedicated service for the aged people and children it is getting good support from the community. ADPF joined hands with likeminded NGOs and networks to get cooperation and Exposure to the larger context.
In order to create awareness on organic farming, we have conducted this programme in Arasanur Village. Mr.Villaisamy a progressive farmer of the area took initiative to conduct this one day programme. A sum of Rs.6,280 was spent on this programme.
Our Old Age Home at Veerapandian Nagar in Karuppayurani is a regular programme of our organization. We have incurred an expenditure of Rs.98.960 towards food bill, and allied expenses, now there are 10 inmates and Ms.Arumugakani is in charge for this programme.